Sunday, May 19, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 01 Proxy Modeling

This week was dedicated to proxy modeling the conch hut to establish scale and get a pipeline set up from Maya to Zbrush, Substance, and UE4.  Just as a reminder the first image below is the concept art that I'm working from created by RE Gao.  Unfortunately this concept art has proved to be a bit more complex once I started blocking out the forms. Certain aspects defy physics or have impossible perspectives. But I am determined to create this so it's a lot of problem solving going into the and researching how architecture might work. Overall it's going well, got a lot of the forms going and solved some of the major road blocks. The images following the concept art are the renders I've taken in Maya of my progress as well as a screenshot taken in Maya at the bottom.

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