Monday, April 22, 2019

3D Week 13 Environment Part 03

For this weeks update on the Environment project I mainly focused on UV-ing every object in the scene which was the major bulk of this week.  And the other part of this week has been dedicated to setting up the work pipeline of getting everything into UE4 and having the material transitions be as simple as possible.  So I started by importing all of the game res assets into UE4 and getting them placed in the correct layout as the proxy.  I then set up some basic lights to emulate the scene layout I made in Maya.  I also created the file structure and directory for all of the assets, textures, materials, etc. So basically when I start working on the paint job in Substance I can create a first pass of the textures and export them out to UE4. I then set up the material and check out how it looks and gauge what needs to be tweaked or modified, return to Substance and modify the textures for export again and reimport the into the UE4 scene. It creates a nice back and forth balance for me to really work on my Substance and material practices.  As a result the pipeline is now smooth and I can dedicate the rest of this semester to solely this project.  

Here are some shots showing the progression of the pipeline in UE4.

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