Monday, February 25, 2019

S2 Week 07 Organic Modeling Part 01

This week the transition from Hard surface modeling to organic modeling began!  Time to dust off the old organic sculpting skills and get to it.  This week the assignment was to halfway complete the sculpt the high res sculpt of the digital study or Jordu Schells work.  So I blocked out the major forms and started sculpting most of the medium details.  I intend to dedicate the following week to doing all of the finer details and making sure they flow smoothly from large to small.  The below image is the original sculpt made by Jordu Schell and the following images are the images of the work in progress digital recreation sculpt!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

3D Commitment to Organic Bust Modeling

I changed the focus of my sculpt project on another of Jordu Schells work. A previous cohort student had already modeled the previous choice and I wanted to do one that hadn't been done before.
So BEHOLD the actual sculpt I will be recreating!  Of course credit is given to Jordu Schell for creating the original work and this is just a recreation for studying and practice purposes.

I'm going to sculpt this physical bust made by Jordu Schell digitally in Zbrush.  All credit of concept and original sculpt goes to Jordu Schell. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

S2 Week 06 Hard Surface Modeling Large Part 04

This week I cleaned up the bake I had in Substance painter and proceeded with creating the paint job I wanted for my gun.  I specifically wanted to create a cryogenic freezing gun that had vials it would shoot that would freeze on contact when they hit the target.  I imagined it being covered in a thin layer of frost on the main body.  After completing the  paint job I exported the textures to UE4 and created the material and lighting to show off the model in game.  The first three images are rendered from Substance Painter and the last three images are from UE4.

Monday, February 11, 2019

S2 Week 05 Hard Surface Modeling Large Part 03

This week I completed the task of resurfacing the high res model of the gun, created UV's and grouped all the pieces with the proper materials and naming conventions.  After doing this I brought the low res model and baked the high res sculpt info into the proper maps.  So I tweaked and modified the geometry until I had a satisfactory bake of the info. Below is the wire frame image rendered in Maya after finishing resurfacing.  And below that are the Iray renders of the low poly model in Substance with all the bake map information.