Sunday, June 23, 2019

3D S3 Project 02 Week 2 High Poly Modeling and Sculpting

This week was all about starting the high res sculpt and high res modeling.  I wanted to complete 75%-100% of the high res model.  I'm pretty happy with how far I got I'd say i'm about 79% done with it.  The most difficult part was deciding what needed to be sculpted and what would be better off painted in 3D Coat.  But now I think I have a pretty clear idea of what to sculpt and what to paint. I did realized certain things should be modeled with actual geometry rather than a card system, like the leaves coming out of the book for example.  So I went ahead and created those first before actually beginning the sculpt.  After that it was all about diving into the sculpt!

These images below are after creating the new leaves that were to replace the cards that I originally intended.

And here are my current renders from Zbrush, as I think I'm about 79% done with the high res model now.  And I'll be finishing the rest of it on Monday.  Now that I know what should be sculpted the process should go much more quickly.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

3D S3 Project 02 Proxy Modeling The Witch Doctor Tome

This week was dedicated to proxy modeling the tome and planning out the pieces that would need to be exported separately in order to make the high poly sculpting process easier.  I also dedicated this week to establishing the scale of the tome in engine.

Monday, June 10, 2019

3D S3 Project 02 Plan Witch Doctor Tome

So for this project I'll be creating this concept from Artem Priakhin.  This project will also include this semesters research project on 3D Coat and hand painted textures. I wanted to focus on a more individual asset this time. I've been doing such large projects that I haven't had much opportunity to real hone in on a single object.

This projects schedule will be pretty similar to last projects schedule.
Week 1: Proxy Block out of model.
Week 2: Finish 75%-all of the high res sculpting and modeling
Week 3: Game res model retopo and UVing, First Bake in Marmoset.
Week 4: Complete all hand painted textures and render in Marmoset.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 4 Final Materials and Engine Implementation

This week was completely dedicated to texturing and building the scene in UE4.  And boy did it take A WHILE.  After being plagued by illness, laptop issues, and other projects I finally finished this project! I learned a lot and know what I would do differently next time.  Even with all of the problems I had during this project I still love it a whole lot and enjoyed working on it immensely.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 3 UV Meshes And First Bake

This week was completely dedicated to UVing all the game res meshes and a first bake as well as getting them all setup in UE4. It was a lot of tedious UV and exporting of FBXs but I have a trim sheet ready to go for all of the rope assets and texturing is  ready to go.