Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 2 Update High Poly Modeling

This is just an update of the project, I've added the last of the small high poly modeling details and exported everything in the correct groups to be brought into Zbrush for sculpting. The majority of the work has been set up and modularity. Luckily this means the retopo and game res work for next week will be a lot less.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 02 Low Poly and High Poly Modeling, Finer Details

This week has been dedicated to modeling the finer details from the concept art, solving the perspective issues, setting up the assets for high poly sculpting, and revisiting the modular groups for export. I needed to group them more efficiently so that UE4 building would be easier and look better.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Week 01 Proxy Modeling

This week was dedicated to proxy modeling the conch hut to establish scale and get a pipeline set up from Maya to Zbrush, Substance, and UE4.  Just as a reminder the first image below is the concept art that I'm working from created by RE Gao.  Unfortunately this concept art has proved to be a bit more complex once I started blocking out the forms. Certain aspects defy physics or have impossible perspectives. But I am determined to create this so it's a lot of problem solving going into the and researching how architecture might work. Overall it's going well, got a lot of the forms going and solved some of the major road blocks. The images following the concept art are the renders I've taken in Maya of my progress as well as a screenshot taken in Maya at the bottom.

Monday, May 13, 2019

3D S3 Project 01 Commitment/Schedule

For the first project I'll be doing a 3D model of the concept art "Conch Hut" created by RE Gao.  I'll be focusing specifically on just the hut section of the docks and excluding the boat area. This is just due to time and scope constraints.  But moving further after the project is complete I want to add the boat area.  

My schedule for this project will be pretty similar to last semester:
5/19: Proxy modeling completed, establish scale, establish pipeline
5/26: High res sculpt/ modeling 75% completed
6/2: Finish last of  high res sculpt, and modeling. Create all game res meshes, UV all models, create first bake.
6/9: Final Materials/ Textures, Final Implementation in Engine(Posed/Lighting/Etc)

I'll be adding a reference board shortly!  HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO